Feng Shui Black Obsidian Wealth Bracelet - Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity

$24.95 $50.00


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Introducing the Feng Shui Black Obsidian Wealth Bracelet – a stunning symbol of abundance, protection, and prosperity.

This striking accessory features high-quality Black Obsidian beads, known for their deep black hue and powerful energy, combined with a gleaming golden Pixiu charm, a mythical creature revered in Chinese culture for attracting wealth and good fortune.

Featuring high-quality Black Obsidian beads, this exquisite bracelet boasts a deep black hue that is both visually stunning and energetically potent.

Black Obsidian is known for its ability to dispel negativity, cleanse your aura, and protect you from harmful energies, creating a powerful shield for your well-being.

The centerpiece of the bracelet is a beautifully crafted Pixiu charm – a mythical Chinese creature believed to attract wealth, success, and good fortune.

Revered in Feng Shui, the Pixiu symbolizes protection and the accumulation of riches, making it an ideal talisman for those seeking prosperity and abundance.

Embrace the potent energy and captivating elegance of the Feng Shui Black Obsidian Wealth Bracelet, and experience the enhanced protection, abundance, and prosperity it brings to your life.

Key benefits:
  • Attract wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
  • Shields against negative energies, psychic attacks, and harmful influences.
  • Supports the manifestation of dreams and aspirations, attracting abundance and prosperity.
  • Helps to overcome obstacles and achieve success in endeavors.
  • Pixiu and Black Obsidian together provide strong spiritual protection.

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